Sales & Souvenirs

While we can’t offer payment online just yet why not take a look at our shop where you can purchase CDs, DVDs and various theatre organ related products.

More products will be added soon

Vox Lancastria

80 Years of The Theatre Organ Club and 50 years of The Lancastrian Theatre Organ Trust


Compton March

Composed by Joyce Alldred


Music from the Royalty

A selection of music recorded on the Wurlitzer Organ of the Royalty Cinema, Bowness on Windermere..

Another Op’ning

Various organists for opening at Stockport Town Hall Wurlitzer


Stop Tab Keyring

Available in either
Red or White

LTOT Pin Badge


LTOT Branded Pens

Available in multiple
different colours


LTOT Mouse Mat

Featuring the
Town Hall Wurlitzer

LTOT Mouse Mat

Featuring the
Heritage Centre

LTOT Keyring

Available in Blue or Red


LTOT Keyring Torch.

Available in
Red, Green & Blue


LTOT Notepad

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LTOT Trolley Token

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LTOT Fridge Magnet

Featuring the Wurlitzer
of Stockport Town Hall


From Wirral to Wurlitzer

Book by Roger Fisher



Available in multiple different colours